Monday, June 23, 2008

Lacey, blogging at Keuka Lake

Lacey, blogging at Keuka Lake
Originally uploaded by Lacey Doodle

Today has been a wonderful day at Keuka Lake. This morning the neighbor's dog tried to teach me to swim. While I did not swim yet, I did go into the water further than I have ever gone before. It scares the beejeezus out of me when the waves come in too fast. Check out this video of me eating some waves.

Once I had my fill of fun, I rested with Mandy, the 15 year old golden retriever owned by my owner's parents.

Mandy and Lacey chillin in the kitchen

Mandy is coming home with me tomorrow for a couple of days. Can't you tell that we are going to have great fun together?

Friday, June 13, 2008

Welcome to my blog

Hi! Hi! Hi!
I'm Lacey Doodle, a golden doodle dog. I've been bought by Meredith and Mike and been hanging with them for about six months now. I was born in Nunde, NY on Sept 7, 2007. My mom was a 70 lb golden retriever; my dad a 50 lb standard poodle.

My favorite things are:
paper napkins
kids- especially when they shriek and wave their arms

I'm afraid of:
that black pipe sticking out of my neighbors house
being picked up for my weekly weighing
the green box in the yard on the corner
the noise my ball makes when it hits my metal food bowl
my reflection
the cable guy

I'll be blogging my adventures here, such as my recent trip to Keuka Lake. Check it out: