Saturday, August 9, 2008


So last night I asked Mike, "Are we gypsies?"

It was actually a valid question- I mean- we've stayed at 4 different places in the past 6 days. I am starting to think we just live out of the car. Not that I mind much: vacationing is pretty darn cool because I get to see Meredith and Mike all day and nothing beats that. (Well, except if there are other dogs wanting to play with me, or squirrels to chase, or bunnies...)

Sturgeon Bay is pretty neat. Mike's parent's have a boat and we spent two days sailing around the bay. Well, they sailed and I napped.
Napping on Don's boat with Mike at the Helm

I did very well on the sail boat. Here I am again, in position:
Boat Napping is the best

Don was great. He let me wander all over the boat, no leash. We had some fun times together while taxi-ing out of the channel:
Chillin' on the boat with Don

I have to admit, sailing is my favorite kind of boating.
Feel the Breeze

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Trip to see Finn-land

Today we got to see Meredith's cousin Susan, and her son Finn. He is just one year old now and loved me at first sight. Meredith gave me a bully stick to chew (one of my most favorite things!) and so I let Finn pet me, pat me, and judge my overall fuzziness level.
Hanging out with Finn and SueG

Oh, I'm quite fuzzy, actually. I've got hair instead of fur and it is extremely soft. Meredith saves it from when she gives me hair cuts and brushes me. She is planning to have it sent away and made into yarn so that she can knit a scarf. (Between you and me I think that is kinda funny because she doesn't even know how to knit!)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Blue Lake: best time ever

Blue Lake, Wisconsin is absofrickinlutely great. The three of us drove all the way to northern Wisconsin over a two day stretch. Riding in the car is no problem for me, but Meredith needs to stop all the time to do yoga. Not that I mind the opportunity for a pee break and a chance to smell some rest-stop dogs.

The boating, running around like a mad-dog, being off-leash for the entire day every single day all made the trip perfect.(Okay, they had me on-leash on the boat. Only because I kept debating about jumping out and it made everyone nervous.)
Blue Lake Boating with Scott
We had a chance to catch up with Scott and Tricia, people Meredith and Mike know but I had never met before. They were real nice; although Tricia was also trying to get me to swim with the whole throw-a-stick-into-the-water thing.
Blue Lake fetching with Tricia
I humored her, since she was so nice to me otherwise.

At the end of one day, the people decided to play some game they found in the game cabinet and I did some fabulous couch-leaning.
After a long day running around at Blue Lake
When do we get to go back there?